Utsuho Reiuji or Okuu is a Hell Raven living in Gensokyo, or more specifically, The Former Hell of Blazing Fires. She is one of Satori Komeiji's pets along with Rin Kaenbyou. She was told by a voice that she could swallow the Yatsgarasu to gain the power of manipulating nuclear fusion. She decided that with her nuclear powers, she would take over Gensokyo, which led to the events of Subterranean Animism.
Q and A with Utsuho Reiuji:
Tewi (Me) : If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Utsuho: Uhhm...I don't know ...Actually..I don't have anything I want to change..
Tewi: What do you like most about your ability?
Utsuho: I can throw SUNS everywhere and it will be useful for my work to regulate the flames >:D
Tewi: If there was one person you could thank in your life, who would it be?
Utsuho: Satori-sama for taking care of me and Orin~!
Here's Okuu's YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWlqeWbDEaUtcRwZiRWGAA
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