Monday, June 18, 2012

Character bio: Nue Houjuu

Nue Houjuu is said to be one of the most mysterious and feared youkai in many years in Gensokyo. There are many legends according to her appearance when, in fact, she is hiding her "true form." She was just enjoying scaring humans until she got bored of it, so she stayed or was sealed underground until the events of Subterranean Animism where she went above ground to check what happened. She found out that the other youkai who were also sealed underground had also made it above ground and were planning something. She decided to have some "fun" by putitng the Seed of Non-Identification in the fragments of Tobikura.

Q and A with Nue Houjuu:

Tewi: What do you like most about your ability?

Nue: It allows easy adaption to any situation, allows me to sneak up on anyone and everyone, and makes life a thousand times easier.

Tewi: If you could stay in one form forever, which form would it be?

Nue: Huh.. that's a tough question! Either my true form or my humanoid form, I'd think. First one's most comfortable and has the most power, but the second is pretty fantastic, too.

Tewi: If you could thank anyone in Gensokyo, who would it be?

Nue: Hmmmm.. tough question~ I think I'll thank two people! Byakuren Hijiri for being so accepting, loving, and adorable, and Yukari Yakumo for being an extremely close friend and a close buddy on all of my crazy adventures!

And here's her YouTube channel~!

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