Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Character bio: Yuuka Kazami

Yuuka is a very powerful flower youkai living in Gensokyo. She currently "lives" in the Garden of the Sun, which is a sunflower field. She's rather protective of her flowers, so try not to step in her flowers. She acts nice, but don't make her angry. If you do, might as well be dead already. She is one of the four characters to appear in the PC-98 era and the Windows era.

Q and A with Yuuka Kazami:

Tewi: What do you like most about your abilities?

Yuuka: The grace, elegance and beauty of floral manipulation.

Tewi: What's your favorite thing to do when you aren't attacking people for intruding in your garden?

Yuuka: Causing fear and ruckus everywhere I go.

Tewi: If there was anyone you would want to beat, who would it be?

Yuuka: The stupid witch and annoying Celestial.

This is her YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/OrientalFlowerDemon

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I'm really sorry for not updating this blog... I'd like to say that it was because I was busy, but in all honesty, I just couldn't find a YT RPer to interview. :/ Anyway, I'll try to update more!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Character bio: Iku Nagae

Iku Nagae is a messenger of the Dragon Palace, whose job is to observe the daily mood of the atmosphere. She is a youkai oarfish that has the ability to read and control the atmosphere, and her location is in the clouds above Earth.

Q and A with Iku Nagae:

Tewi: Do people usually believe you when you say a disaster is coming?

Iku: Umm, mostly people ignore my warnings if something terrible is about to occur, but sometimes others listen so it's about 50/50.

Tewi: Do you like your job?

Iku: Yes I like my job, it is an important job in my opinion as we all know how powerful the dragons are, especially when the dragon created the border that separates Gensokyo from the rest of Japan.

Tewi: What's the most useful part about your ability?

Iku: Probably sensing when activity is going to occur so I can warn others and deal with Tenshi if she's behind it when the others are away doing other things.

This is her YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVjoe8zF1iLIzkTcjEtCUA

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Character bio: Hong Meiling

Hong Meiling is a youkai that guards the entrance to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Her abilities are manipulation of qi and Chinese martial arts.

Q and A with Hong Meiling:

Tewi: How did you become part of the Scarlet Devil Mansion's family?

Meiling: When I first came to Gensokyo, Remi challenged me and I lost. She does this to about everyone. Then I started working for her as a maid. Then Sakuya came and I took up gatekeeping.

Tewi: What job in the SDM would you want most?

Meiling: I don't think I would want to change being a gatekeeper. But I would love to be just a maid.

Tewi: Are you really from China?

Meiling: Yes. My whole family is from China. I'm the first to be in Gensokyo.

Here's her YouTube account: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0zN701FTE3eCucmv1DAMTQ

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Character bio: Reisen Udongein Inaba

Reisen Udongein Inaba is a lunar rabbit that fled from the moon to Earth as a refugee from the Lunar War. Making her way to Gensokyo, she was surprised to meet the notorious fugitives Kaguya Houraisan and Eirin Yagokoro and asked for asylum in Eientei. In exchange, she works for and protects Kaguya and Eirin. She has the ability to manipulate wavelengths and madness, lunacy-inducing eyes, and telepathy with other moon rabbits. She lives in Eientei along with Kaguya, Eirin, Tewi Inaba, and other youkai rabbits. Her previous owners on the moon were Watasuki no Toyohime and Watatsuki no Yorihime, who named another moon rabbit Reisen after her.

Q and A with Reisen Udongein Inaba:

Tewi: What do you like most about your ability?

Reisen: What do I like most about my ability? With it, I can keep Eientei safe and can keep you from getting out of the bamboo forest.

Tewi: Why did you escape from the moon?
Reisen: The Lunar War. I was in the middle of the fighting, and I guess I just panicked and escaped.

Tewi: If there was anyone in Gensokyo you would thank, who would it be?

Reisen: Everyone in Eientei, that's for sure.

Here's her channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_6N5rMjoe9h6x00gNKTKAQ

Monday, June 18, 2012

Character bio: Nue Houjuu

Nue Houjuu is said to be one of the most mysterious and feared youkai in many years in Gensokyo. There are many legends according to her appearance when, in fact, she is hiding her "true form." She was just enjoying scaring humans until she got bored of it, so she stayed or was sealed underground until the events of Subterranean Animism where she went above ground to check what happened. She found out that the other youkai who were also sealed underground had also made it above ground and were planning something. She decided to have some "fun" by putitng the Seed of Non-Identification in the fragments of Tobikura.

Q and A with Nue Houjuu:

Tewi: What do you like most about your ability?

Nue: It allows easy adaption to any situation, allows me to sneak up on anyone and everyone, and makes life a thousand times easier.

Tewi: If you could stay in one form forever, which form would it be?

Nue: Huh.. that's a tough question! Either my true form or my humanoid form, I'd think. First one's most comfortable and has the most power, but the second is pretty fantastic, too.

Tewi: If you could thank anyone in Gensokyo, who would it be?

Nue: Hmmmm.. tough question~ I think I'll thank two people! Byakuren Hijiri for being so accepting, loving, and adorable, and Yukari Yakumo for being an extremely close friend and a close buddy on all of my crazy adventures!

And here's her YouTube channel~! http://www.youtube.com/user/RedWingedTerror

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Character bio: Kasen Ibara

Kasen Ibara is a mysterious girl who describes herself as "a simple pilgrim". She is a hermit and her ability is to control animals. She lives on Youkai Mountain, near the Moriya Shrine.

Q and A with Kasen on YouTube:

Tewi: What made you choose to become a hermit?

Kasen: Mostly for more time here. I wanted to help improve the world, and I have enough respect for nature and a desire enlightenment to go though with it. 

Tewi: Are you happy with your ability?

Kasen: Yeah. Being a hermit comes with a lot of power, but it comes at a price. The rituals and such have gotten easier and less time consuming since Komachi has started showing me what to do. Dispelling onryou (vengeful spirits) is pretty useful, as you do NOT want them hanging around. 

Tewi: What would be one feature of yourself that you would change?

Kasen: Hmm...being a little more sociable. I tend to lecture people a bit too much, or so I'm told.

Aaand, here's Kasen's YouTube account~! http://www.youtube.com/user/OneArmedHornedSennin