Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Character bio: Iku Nagae

Iku Nagae is a messenger of the Dragon Palace, whose job is to observe the daily mood of the atmosphere. She is a youkai oarfish that has the ability to read and control the atmosphere, and her location is in the clouds above Earth.

Q and A with Iku Nagae:

Tewi: Do people usually believe you when you say a disaster is coming?

Iku: Umm, mostly people ignore my warnings if something terrible is about to occur, but sometimes others listen so it's about 50/50.

Tewi: Do you like your job?

Iku: Yes I like my job, it is an important job in my opinion as we all know how powerful the dragons are, especially when the dragon created the border that separates Gensokyo from the rest of Japan.

Tewi: What's the most useful part about your ability?

Iku: Probably sensing when activity is going to occur so I can warn others and deal with Tenshi if she's behind it when the others are away doing other things.

This is her YouTube channel: